miércoles, 12 de junio de 2019

Post 8

Today you have to talk about which has been your favorite subject at university so far, or at least your least non favorite one!!!

The idea is you:
  • say what subject is
  • explain or give reasons why you enjoy it
  • share any other relevant ideas you deem worth mentioning.
  • write no less than 180 words 
  • remember to leave comments on 3 of your clasmates' and on mine.

Thinking about my last studies, the master’s degree that I studied at Universidad Central, I remember that one of mi favorite subjects was one that I had during the fourth semester called “Gramatica y Fonología Española versus Inglesa”.
I liked it for many reasons, the professor was awesome and even though she was very young she knew a lot of in this matter, her classes were very amusing, in spite of the complexity of the contents. On the other hand the tests were very difficult and challenging but most of times I got good grades, so I was one the best students of that class, maybe that’s why it ended up being one the subjects I remember the most.

To be fair, the real reason is that something I’m really keen about is English Phonetics because in my opinion this is the most hard-won part of this foreign language therefore its relevance and importance when the achievement of a good level of pronunciation is someone’s goal.
Finally, I think one of the main problems of Chilean students of English is the lack of accuracy in terms of their voicing when speaking this language.

8 comentarios:

  1. Hahaha yes, I also think that phonetics is one of the things that costs us the most as Chileans.

  2. wooo, it seems to be a very interesting and difficult subject.

  3. I think that phonetics is really difficult! :( I hope that one day, chileans can be good in this.

  4. The phonetic is one of the problems that have us, because we dont see the importance

  5. The phonetic is very dificult for the majority of Chileans, including me

  6. English phonetics is one of the most difficult in the world! but i like it!

  7. When the teacher is good and loves what she do the subject becomes very entertaining

  8. That subject looks very interesting, I didn't know that those things taught, what.
